"AlsoEnergy provides energy monitoring and financial management software solutions for renewable energy developers, Leavitt Communications -- International Marketing Communicationsmanufacturers and investors who are establishing today's clean-tech industry standards and best practices. Leavitt Communications has helped us to reach out to this core clientele by working with key editors and analysts and keeping theminformed on relevant developments."

Robert Schaefer, CEO

Marketing Communications on a Global Scale

Leavitt Communications, a PR firm based in San Diego County, represents a diversified public/private sector global client base. These include architecture, construction, biotechnology, engineering, government, healthcare, industrial, legal, real estate, retail, technology, and more.

Our group of experienced professionals understands the strategic difference between the development of relationships and plans, and the visible presentation of solutions and information. The difference is critical to the efficient and effective success for both start-up ventures and established companies. We keep clients informed of the issues that are of interest to affected constituents, whether it's the media, investors, elected officials or the public.

So let us help you cut through the chaos and use the media, the Internet and other communications channels to help brand your message, your product and further your business objectives.